Tuesday, August 12, 2014

First Day of School!

It's insane.  I have two kids in school now.  A third grader and a kindergartner.  How does this stuff happen so fast?  

Things were a little bit complicated this year with Brady still away.  Third grade lines up on the complete opposite side of the school from kindergarten. We were also running behind thanks to the two littlest people in the house so we ended up saying good day to Cadence and letting her run to the other side of the school to line up while the rest of us pretty much ran to the other end of the school to line Rory up for the first time. 

Thankfully Cadence is a pro and didn't mind in the least.  And thankfully Rory's teacher was saying hi to all the kids in line so they were late walking in and we just made it in time.    

Both girls have excellent teachers this year and I am super sad that we will only have them until the end of October. Then we will be at a new school in San Antonio doing the first day all over again.  

Beckah and Owen had a really good day at home with just me.  Beckah did ask when we could go and pick up the girls at twenty minute intervals the whole time they were gone.  But Owen only screamed at and tackled Beckah to the ground over toy rights three times.  Over all I considered the day a success. 

1 comment:

Amanda J said...

Where in San Antonio are you guys moving to? My sister is in the air force and has been stationed there the last 5.5 years. She lives in New Braunfels and commutes.

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