But just of the kids. I didn't renew my photography website this year. It was a big step for me to let it go. There was a big part of me that still wanted to get a business going again and so I held on to it even though I wasn't doing anything with it for the last four years.
The loss of my iMac last year made me face somethings that I don't think I wanted to face. I love taking photos and editing those photos. I love the finished product and seeing people's reactions to their preserved memories.
I don't enjoy setting up backdrops and props. It's why almost all of my kids pictures are simple portraits, even as babies. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE seeing everyone's new babies all wrapped in a basket, or bed of flowers, or hanging from a limb. I love seeing pictures like that and admire photographers creativity in making those photos a reality. I just don't like setting them up myself. I don't like having to have back drops and extra lights, both of which can be very necessary. I spent 5 years in college for an almost completed photography degree. Believe me, I know the value of a studio set up and that studio set ups can be necessary. But I don't like having to set them up.
I don't like negotiating price with people. I don't like that people expect high end photos with Walmart prices. I don't like that people don't respect the time and effort it takes to get them those high end photos. I have been lucky. Most of my clients in the past have been wonderful and totally understand the value of what I do (and I wasn't even close to expensive). Most of my clients have given me memories and experiences that I wouldn't trade for anything. I have worked for so many friends and family and I fell blessed to have the ability to give them permanent memories of those brief times in their lives. But there have been more than a handful of clients I have turned away because they felt that my price and my time were negotiable.
I love taking pictures, but I don't the business of taking pictures. It took until November of last year for me to admit this to myself. It took me until January for me to admit that it was okay for me to feel this way and to let my website go.
I'm still a photographer. I even still consider myself a professional. For now I will be taking pictures of my kids, and maybe some of your kids if I feel like dragging my monstrosity of a professional camera around. And I am going to fall in love with being a photographer again without any pressure, mostly from myself.
Monday, January 13, 2014
Owen's 18 month stats!
So Owen turned 18 months on Saturday. Among other things he is now "legal" in nursery, though he has been in there with me since he was born so he's a pro now. He had his well check at the doctor today and is doing so well! He weighed 25lbs and was 33.5 inches tall. The doctor was happy he was staying right on his curve and so was I after a weekend of him puking everything up.
Sadly he also remembered the vax clinic and started to cry "no no no" when we walked in. He didn't fight us about getting his shots, but it was sad that he cried the second we walked in, and it was packed so there was all kinds of reactions to his tears. Everything from laughter to poor baby. I'm glad they were able to get us in and out quick.
I can't believe it's been a year and a half since he was born. It's been going way to fast and I already miss the snugly little baby that he used to be. I am not looking forward to a future that involves potty training someone with a built in fire hose, but I am already loving who Owen is slowly becoming and I can't wait to see what the future holds for him!
Sadly he also remembered the vax clinic and started to cry "no no no" when we walked in. He didn't fight us about getting his shots, but it was sad that he cried the second we walked in, and it was packed so there was all kinds of reactions to his tears. Everything from laughter to poor baby. I'm glad they were able to get us in and out quick.
I can't believe it's been a year and a half since he was born. It's been going way to fast and I already miss the snugly little baby that he used to be. I am not looking forward to a future that involves potty training someone with a built in fire hose, but I am already loving who Owen is slowly becoming and I can't wait to see what the future holds for him!
Friday, January 3, 2014
New year new blog!
Our old blog has exceeded it's max picture limit so I decided to start an new one this year! You can still see our old at the link on the side bar. :o)
We hope that the new year is finding you all healthy and happy! We had a pretty good year last year and are looking forward to 2014!
The kids are doing so well! We have had our fair share of illness the last month or so, but despite all that everyone is thriving.
Cadence is exceeding all expectations in school. She she is several grades ahead in all subjects but especially in reading and math. Not only that but she is only growing more responsible, compassionate and kind as she grows. She has had some trouble adjusting to the demands of her friends this year. Everyone wants to claim her as their BEST friend and there have been fights about it. Cadence doesn't understand why they can't all be best friends and her sweet teacher is trying to help all the kids find a balance. I have finally convinced Cadence that she isn't responsible for making all her friends happy and that if someone is being mean she can choose not play with them for a while. That has made things better on the play ground. She is also doing very well in her piano lessons and likes her new teacher.
Rory is loving preschool! She is a little social butterfly and makes friends easily. She is learning new things very quickly as well. She was having trouble with numbers and letters before she started, but now has no trouble at all. She loves her teachers and the school has been so wonderful for her. She is growing up too fast and I'm having a hard time with the realization that she isn't a little girl anymore. She is doing very well in Gymnastics this year. Her cartwheel is actually looking like a cartwheel these days and she picking tricks on the bar and vault with alarming speed. She isn't afraid of anything these days and it's wonderful to watch her blossom.
Beckah. My sweet, stubborn, beautiful Beckah. She is heading in the horrific three's full force. She has made if very clear that she is her own person and will make her own choices even if they are to her own detriment. She can be as obstinate as she is loving. She is full of fire and adventure. She started Gymnastics in October and is loving it. She is by far my most physical child and the guided activity has been so good for her. She looks forward to it every week. She wants to be completely independent and won't take no for an answer these days, but she wants to go with me everywhere at the same time. She is often my shopping buddy and I love the chance to spend alone time with her and enjoy her extremely entertaining conversations.
Owen will be 18 months on the 11th. He runs now, and is forever trying to keep up with Beckah. He is 100% boy despite being surrounded by girls all the time. He loves trucks and cars and bugs and dinosaurs. He loves to climb and jump and make huge messes. His speech is coming along nicely these days. He calls both Brady and I 'daddy' and refuses to say mommy even though he can. He loves to dance and put on shoes. He's quickly catching up to Beckah in height and weight and I was asked for the first time last month if they were twins. He loves the word 'no' and can throw the best temper tantrums I have ever seen. He is also me snuggle buddy and adores his Dad more than anything in the world.
Brady is getting ready to retrain into a new career field with the Air Force. He is excited for the change and is looking forward to the challenges it will bring. We aren't looking forward to him leaving in a couple months for training, but are excited for him and this new opportunity. Other than that he has been keeping himself busy with the Deacons at church, our own kids, games both on the computer and some new board games, watching the Rebels play ball.
I have been busy with our crazy brood. I still get to serve in the Nursery at church. I love those kids so much and there really isn't a better calling in the world than Nursery. I am also still the Ward Blood Drive Specialist, which has been hard with the Nursery calling, but I am still managing to get it done. The Lord always seems to help me out when I need it and allows me to fulfill both callings. I'm finally getting back into photography and taking pictures of the kids now that I have a computer again. I missed it more than I thought I did.
We added a new kitten to our family in December. Nimbus is so much fun and he and Bullseye get along famously. The girls love him and he LOVES me which has been a nice change from all our Brady loving animals.
All in all last year was a good one and we are looking forward to what 2014 brings!
We hope that the new year is finding you all healthy and happy! We had a pretty good year last year and are looking forward to 2014!
The kids are doing so well! We have had our fair share of illness the last month or so, but despite all that everyone is thriving.
Cadence is exceeding all expectations in school. She she is several grades ahead in all subjects but especially in reading and math. Not only that but she is only growing more responsible, compassionate and kind as she grows. She has had some trouble adjusting to the demands of her friends this year. Everyone wants to claim her as their BEST friend and there have been fights about it. Cadence doesn't understand why they can't all be best friends and her sweet teacher is trying to help all the kids find a balance. I have finally convinced Cadence that she isn't responsible for making all her friends happy and that if someone is being mean she can choose not play with them for a while. That has made things better on the play ground. She is also doing very well in her piano lessons and likes her new teacher.
Rory is loving preschool! She is a little social butterfly and makes friends easily. She is learning new things very quickly as well. She was having trouble with numbers and letters before she started, but now has no trouble at all. She loves her teachers and the school has been so wonderful for her. She is growing up too fast and I'm having a hard time with the realization that she isn't a little girl anymore. She is doing very well in Gymnastics this year. Her cartwheel is actually looking like a cartwheel these days and she picking tricks on the bar and vault with alarming speed. She isn't afraid of anything these days and it's wonderful to watch her blossom.
Beckah. My sweet, stubborn, beautiful Beckah. She is heading in the horrific three's full force. She has made if very clear that she is her own person and will make her own choices even if they are to her own detriment. She can be as obstinate as she is loving. She is full of fire and adventure. She started Gymnastics in October and is loving it. She is by far my most physical child and the guided activity has been so good for her. She looks forward to it every week. She wants to be completely independent and won't take no for an answer these days, but she wants to go with me everywhere at the same time. She is often my shopping buddy and I love the chance to spend alone time with her and enjoy her extremely entertaining conversations.
Owen will be 18 months on the 11th. He runs now, and is forever trying to keep up with Beckah. He is 100% boy despite being surrounded by girls all the time. He loves trucks and cars and bugs and dinosaurs. He loves to climb and jump and make huge messes. His speech is coming along nicely these days. He calls both Brady and I 'daddy' and refuses to say mommy even though he can. He loves to dance and put on shoes. He's quickly catching up to Beckah in height and weight and I was asked for the first time last month if they were twins. He loves the word 'no' and can throw the best temper tantrums I have ever seen. He is also me snuggle buddy and adores his Dad more than anything in the world.
Brady is getting ready to retrain into a new career field with the Air Force. He is excited for the change and is looking forward to the challenges it will bring. We aren't looking forward to him leaving in a couple months for training, but are excited for him and this new opportunity. Other than that he has been keeping himself busy with the Deacons at church, our own kids, games both on the computer and some new board games, watching the Rebels play ball.
I have been busy with our crazy brood. I still get to serve in the Nursery at church. I love those kids so much and there really isn't a better calling in the world than Nursery. I am also still the Ward Blood Drive Specialist, which has been hard with the Nursery calling, but I am still managing to get it done. The Lord always seems to help me out when I need it and allows me to fulfill both callings. I'm finally getting back into photography and taking pictures of the kids now that I have a computer again. I missed it more than I thought I did.
We added a new kitten to our family in December. Nimbus is so much fun and he and Bullseye get along famously. The girls love him and he LOVES me which has been a nice change from all our Brady loving animals.
All in all last year was a good one and we are looking forward to what 2014 brings!