Monday, September 22, 2014

Good Times at Walmart

Fun stuff at the Walmart this morning. But before I begin I should explain that I am very sick and only ventured out to get some more meds to help me cope. My throat and neck are so sore and stiff that talking is extremely painful. If I do talk I sound something like an old goat with throat cancer. Add to that my constant sinus headache and the painful pressure in my ears and I am sure you can imagine my less than perky attitude this morning.
We picked up my meds and a few more things for the kids to tide us over until I'm better again. Owen and Beckah were excellent and most helpful considering they are 2 and 3. In my basket was a six pack of the little cans of rootbeer so we could make some rootbeer floats to go with the little Family Home Evening I had Cadence help me plan.
I'm at check out waiting my turn. All is going very well. The kids aren't even begging for candy. Then along comes a little old lady with a cart full of hard liqueur (at least 11 bottles), beer, and several bags of chips. She tells me my kids "look nice" in that tone of voice that says "I actually hate children but I'll act socially acceptable in public." I say that they are nice and I'm willing to let it go there. I start to load my stuff on the belt.
This little old lady spots the root beer. At that moment she must have decided she had a death wish. It's the only explanation I can think of for what she said next.
"What kind of mother are you to give your little kids SODA."
I'm sure my eyebrows did a little social climbing, but with my throat feeling like I'd swallowed broken glass all I did was shake my head and ignore the crazy woman.
"Well! What do you have to say for yourself young woman?!" At that I smiled, because really? Of all the people in the Walmart this woman has to find me? Feeling like I do? It's laugh or punch her in the face. I'm pretty sure that Jesus would want me to laugh. The old lady was still talking but I only caught the last bit...
"...and you certainly don't deserve those sweet babies if you are just going to poison them with SODA."
That was really just too much. I forgot all about Jesus (so sorry about that, really I am) looked at the woman, looked pointedly at the contents of her cart then back to the woman and then gave her the bird.
I'm a bad bad person, but the look on her face was so very worth it.
She sputtered a bit saying something like, "Well I never" and "Young people" and "respect." I'm not entirely sure since I was checking out at that point. Then she says, "I should report you for abusing those kids."
I just started laughing. It hurt really bad, but really that was just funny. Report me for giving my kids root beer. I wasn't the only one laughing though. The checker, the woman behind the old lady and the checker next to us were all laughing. The old woman looked ready to explode so I just told her to have a nice day and took the kids and walked out.
Why do I attract the crazies?

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Happy Birthday Rory!

Six years.  That's how long you've been my daughter.  You were actually my easiest pregnancy.  I remember during your delivery, when I started to push, you stretched your legs all the way out and used to your feet to push on my ribs.  You were determined to join us as fast as possible, even if it meant you had to help. 

You bonded with your big sister right from the start.  She was completely in love with you even before you were born.  It's like she was waiting for you to join her and you two have been almost inseparable since we brought you home.  

You have always been such a tiny thing.  

Little and delicate looking. 

But looks are deceiving.  Your tiny build somehow manages to hold an exceptionally bright and big personality.  

I have loved watching you grow up.  Watching you grow closer to your sister. 

You were always so busy even as a baby. 

You wanted to be everywhere and see everything. 

You crawled early and never really slowed down after that. 

You are so free with your emotions.  Easy to cry but also easy to laugh. 

Quick to temper but also quick to love.  

You have dealt with so many hard things in your short life and you have done it with joy.

I remember in the chaos that was the year between your 2nd and 3rd birthdays.  Doctors appointment after doctors appointment.  IVs and blood draws and scopes.   

And you just rolled with everything.  You brought smiles to all the doctor's and nurses faces as they did what needed to be done.  You rarely cried about any of it and you treated everything like the adventure it was.

And when we had to change everything about what you could eat you took it in stride.  

You learned quickly what you could and couldn't have and you never complained about missing out even when you couldn't eat at a birthday party.  

You have been such a wonderful example to me of how to except what we can't change and instead make our new path exciting and fun.  

I love seeing your father's eyes in your sweet face.

I love your goofy laugh and how freely you give smiles.  

I love that you love others so readily.  You see what I so often over look and you aren't afraid to tell complete strangers that they are beautiful.  

I love that you are quick to defend your siblings.  You never hesitate.  Despite your size you just jump right into the fray and give it all you have got. 

You challenge me.  I want to pretend that I am more like Cadence, and while I have always been responsible and reliable, I am actually more like you.  I too am quick to all those heady emotions I see boiling in you. You have taught me more about having patience, with you and myself, than all my other children combined. Mothering you has helped me grow into a better person.

You are my creative party girl.  You come up with such wonderful ideas and you believe I can make all of them come true.  I love that you believe in me and that you believe anything is possible. 

I love that you give your whole self to everything you do.  You would rather not do anything at all then do something halfway.  

You have taught me to appreciate surprises. 

You are an amazing big sister.  It's not an easy job, but you are always so willing to love your siblings. 

Now you are another year older.   

And my sweet little baby is growing into a beautiful girl. 

I am so proud of who you are growing into.

Happy Birthday Rory!  We love you with all our hearts!